屡获殊荣的 EA杂志 is published four times a year. EA杂志 is a leading source of timely and informative content for the advanced tax practitioner. Every issue includes information on high-profile tax updates and their impact on how you will meet taxpayer needs. Special issues feature topics like practice management and technology updates to help small business owners and advanced tax practitioners get the information they need to grow their businesses.

If you are interested in advertising or an upgrade, contact Managing Editor, Janelle Julien at jjulien@xinyu00.com or 202-822-0729.

Art must be received by the deadline and may be sent as a PDF.


2023 Editorial Calendar

EA日报》 the flagship publication of the National Association of Enrolled Agents, seeks timely and informative articles for its 2023 issues.

We welcome all articles, either related to an issue theme or on an unrelated topic of interest to the readership, in these categories:

  1. 专题文章 is the primary type of article found in EA杂志. Feature articles should be 1,800–2,200 words total (approximately three to five pages), not including the endnotes. EA杂志 has three types of 专题文章s: tax law, tax planning, and tax controversy.
  2. 每期 EA杂志 有一系列的 部门的文章. These articles should be 500–750 words total (approximately one to two pages), not including the endnotes. A department article provides a useful nugget of information in a specialized area of knowledge.

请参阅 EA杂志 editorial guidelines for article standards, including endnote format and style.

下载 the Call for Articles guidelines.

Note: Editorial coverage is tentative and subject to change.


主题: 道德
做广告ment Space and Insertion Orders Due: 4/3/23
由于内容: 3/27/23


主题: Representation (audits, examinations, Tax Court)
做广告ment Space and Insertion Orders Due: 5/22/23
由于内容: 5/15/23


主题: Year wrap-up / Tax season prep
做广告ment Space and Insertion Orders Due: 7/24/23
由于内容: 7/17/23


主题: S Corporations / International tax issues
做广告ment Space and Insertion Orders Due: 9/25/23
由于内容: 9/18/23


Prices are per placement per issue (i.e., 看传播/one time=$3,060; 看传播/3倍=$2,990 per issue or $8,970).

15% placement discounts are available as well as black and white rates. Please ask for details. Increase your visibility with: belly bands, outsets (ride-alongs), 预印贴纸, and pre-printed inserts.

Color 1次 3倍 6倍
看传播 $3,060 $2,990 $2,945
完整的页面 $2,580 $2,520 $2,490
2/3的页面 $2,290 $2,270 $2,245
1/2页 $2,085 $2,030 $2,000
1/3页 $1,590 $1,525 $1,515


黑与白 1次 3倍 6倍
看传播 $2,142 $2,093 $2,061.50
完整的页面 $1,806 $1,764 $1,743
2/3的页面 $1,603 $1,589 $1,571.50
1/2页 $1,459.50 $1,421 $1,400
1/3页 $1,113 $1,067.50 $1,060.50


EA杂志 welcomes contributions from members and nonmembers. Articles published deal with issues in the tax profession, particularly from the enrolled agent’s point of view. Articles should be based on federal tax law and not state tax law. All articles, to be considered for publication, must follow the editorial guidelines.

大多数问题 EA杂志 magazine have 专题文章s that are decided in advance; contact the 主编 for additional information.

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